Grounding Through Change: Empowering Your Energy

The entire world is busting out of the its Covid cocoon. Harnessed energy is now unfurling its wings like that of a dragon: powerful, profound and unstoppable. It is time to emerge with our evolved awareness and cultivate new conscious chapters. For some, people are picking up where they left their bookmark, while others are cultivating new choices and completely rewriting their story.

Change is a constant in life, and despite the outcome, the process can be very challenging. Sometimes, the transition is the toughest part. Let’s be real, change can make you want to slump your head down and hold up a white flag. Grunts, groans, tears, tension - they all seem like part of the package. Change is the challenge and challenging is change.

The only way to really ready yourself energetically is by continually grounding your energy. Grounding is a practice that involves bringing one's awareness to themselves in the present moment. Often through sensory experiences, one can foster a sense of stability and connection with their current reality. Grounding through mindfulness can help you process strong emotions that may make you feel disconnected or overwhelmed to generate a sense of stability and presence in the here and now. 

It is sometimes referred to as Earthing because it can involve activities like walking barefoot on grass, spending time in nature, or practicing grounding meditations. It can include conscious practices such as a breath, a body scan and somatic touch to help you reconnect to your body, mind and spirit. Whatever one’s preferred practice may be, grounding or Earthing, can provide a great sense of balance and well-being.

It is usually during times of change when we get injured. Be it a car accident or stubbing your toe, the results tend to be because we are so stuck in our head that we become absent awareness-wise from our bodies. But, you don’t need to wait to hit your elbow or for a big bang in your life to practice grounding. It benefits you to incorporate it into your everyday-life. 

As an energy worker it is essential that I ground myself everyday. When I don’t, I can become easily reactive, emotionally sensitive and exhausted. So, I consider the practice of grounding a daily necessity in my self-care. To me, it is taking a loving moment to be with and within myself. Sort of like saying, “Hey You! You’re here, in this moment and I love you for it!

I know that when someone reads a list of new suggestions it can be overwhelming so I am going to share one simple practice that you can do almost anywhere and anytime and it only takes about one minute. I do this every morning.


Stand with your feet hip width apart. If need be, gently rock back and forth a few times to gain a further sense of being on and in your feet. Be sure your legs are slightly bent to avoid limiting circulation through your knees. Once you’ve established the connection, draw your self-awareness all the way up your body, to the top of your head. Have your arms simply hang loose along your sides. As you begin to draw a deep, conscious breath in, feel as though you’re pulling the inhale through your feet, up your spine, to the top of your head. As you exhale, feel the line of breath and energy flow down the front of your body, back down to your feet. Do this a total of three times and do it no less than three times. Three is the magic number.


This practice is simple and thus it may seem silly, which is exactly the reason to do it! So many of us are “being exact” throughout each day that we forget to give ourselves time-outs to simply Be. Without replenishing pauses, we can’t renew and without renewal we become disconnected from our physical bodies and emotions, so much that eventually we deplete our energy and vital essence.

Whether you have a day ahead of you that is going to involve a lot of thought or heart-full presence, this practice can help prepare you energetically. Grounding is like establishing your proper foundation, that without, you can’t open up your satellite dish to receive and reciprocate in life.

We can’t stop change, but we can enable ourselves to process the flow of change by being in the here and now. Each moment you allow yourself to be present, is a powerful moment; you increase the power of every choice you make. Be grounded in yourself and empower your energy to have sustainance through any change. Open the door to your inner self by checking in and saying “Hi!” to your oldest friend: You.

Tania Isaac is an experienced Spiritual Guidance Channeler, Pet Communicator, Integrative Energy Healer and certified yoga instructor who specializes in blending holistic modalities to create unique healing sessions. She is located in Santa Barbara, CA where she lives with her husband and their rescued dog Oreo. Her mission is to empower empaths and help individuals connect with their innate metaphysical and healing abilities. Visit her website to learn more about her offerings: