Nourishing and Nurturing

“I'm amazed at what a nourishing and nurturing experience my private spirit session with Tania has been. I watch, hear and feel myself moving forward with an expanded sense of love and freedom supported by her and the session. It was, and continues to be, a beautiful experience. Tania brings integrity, safety, kindness and professionalism to a personal experience filled with love and potential.”

~ Luisa B.R, Yoga Instructor

Clear and Confident

“I worked with Tania when I needed to make an important decision. I was experiencing confusion, stress and fear around not knowing what to do and was looking for someone to help me with finding clarity to make the right decision. Tania was able to tap in and help guide me towards what turned out to be the right choice for me. She was very clear and confident throughout. I knew I could trust her. I am so grateful for her abilities as a channeler and have first hand experience that she is skilled and grounded in this gift!” 

~ Kristin Rocco, Author “50 Days of Grace”

Loved Every Part

“I was amazed at Tania’s ability to connect with such beautiful entities so elegantly. I was incredibly impressed with her ability to do this. I loved the initial introduction and explanations throughout; they were very helpful. I appreciated that she provided the option to discuss or not discuss this. I loved every part of my message and was thrilled when my boyfriend wanted one done for himself!”

~ Whitney O’Hagan,

Beautiful, Long and Spiritual Conversation

“I appreciate how matter of fact Tania is about her work. Channelling can feel kinda ‘out there’ but she didn’t make it feel that way. It lead to a beautiful, long and spiritual conversation with my best friend who also read the message. I felt some release while reading it. I felt some deeper integration of my mom’s death in the time afterward. I could tell she put a great deal of time and effort into the letter. It was way longer than I was expecting.”

~ Nicky C. Jones,

Helped Me Move Forward

“All I had to do was think of a question and then wait for the results. The information that came through helped me to move forward with my life. I was amazed at the accuracy of the information received. It’s important to know that there is total confidentiality in working with Tania; she did not know the question or information that I was seeking before she channeled for me. I am thoroughly convinced that all the information came from the deceased person whom I was hoping would respond.” 

~ Ruth Schrier, Retired Teacher

Shining Brightly

“The benefits in working with Tania were amazing - knowing Mike was still shining brightly made me able to go onto another phase of my life without him. She is a honest, loving person who only wants to help people receive what they need through channeling.”

~ Marilou Rivera


Peace and Clarity

"Our dog Gwen is a bundle of happiness, and also a bundle of hyper, manic energy! Working with Tania has added an element of peace and clarity to our interactions and we have a better understanding of what life is like from Gwen’s perspective.  Thanks Tania!”

~ Kat and Mac Duffy, Corporate Wellness Advisor and Improv Genius

A Pet Whisperer

“Tania is kind and understanding. Following the session with my two cats, I felt good and that they (the cats) were calm. I would recommend my services to friends or anyone in need of a pet whisperer. One of the most important things in working with Tania is that she can be trusted.”

~ Jeanne Schroeder, Retired Interior Designer

Understanding and Enlightenment

“As a result of working with our doggie Maddie, I felt a sense of closure; understanding of and enlightenment of feelings. I felt such relief knowing the current situation was temporary and would get better. I highly recommend working with Tania. She relays an honest interpretation of the messages she receives.”

~ Rosana Ortiz, Educator

Connected With My Cat

“Tania really seemed to connect with my cat Willie. I had recently inherited Willie from a friend so we were new to one another. Our relationship improved after our first session; I felt better connected to Willie. She helped me get to know Willie. Willie appreciates it too.”

~ Len Hoffman, Retired Engineer

Relaxed and at Peace

“Tania is so easy, comfortable and gentle. Our dog Rocky was able to tell things to Tania and she told us that we could make him more comfortable. He was totally relaxed and at peace with her. I recommend Tania for channeling, energy healing and her other services. Tania is confidential, non-judgement, professional and kind.”

~ Claudia Mitchell, Retired RN 


Felt Safe and Secure

“I felt secure and safe through the session. Since loosing my parents and grandmother, I felt connected with them again. And I felt very relaxed. I truly appreciated Tania’s insights and being with me during some emotional moments. I would recommend Tania because she sees things that others don’t and she’s a loving, giving and sensitive soul. I would recommend Tania heartily to anyone that is open to this kind of experience. It was new to me, but it opened a door that I had no expectation of opening”.

~ Kamala Knowlton, Yoga ERT500 and Sanskrit Teacher

Felt a Shift of Energy

“I would recommend Tania for any of her services. She is a highly intuitive, gifted healer. A caring, kind, deeply compassionate practitioner with a gentle manner who quickly gets to the root of a problem and dissolves it. Besides bringing a true equanimity to her sessions, Tania also brings an authentic loving presence and warmth to the healing process. I was calmer, more present and content after each session. Felt a shift of energy to a more open, positive attitude and sense of well-being.”

~ Helen Louise Azzara PhD, Creative Facilitator and Community Psychologist

Felt Very Supportive and Life-Affirming

“The entire experience felt very supportive and life-affirming. I felt a lot more peaceful and hopeful following the session than I had felt in a long time. My body felt better. I felt that a lot of issues had been processed from a very painful and disorienting experience that I had been going through…I felt help from the other side had been called in, which reminded me that there are people who find me a valuable person. I felt hope, that “this too, shall pass,” and there was the possibility life would be good again.” 

~ Nancy Keller, Teacher

Inspires Trust, Honesty and Peacefulness

“I felt safe and very comfortable. Tania inspires trust, honesty and peacefulness. I felt my soul had expanded into a deep trust of what my life is becoming even though I don’t know how it will unfold. I recommend Tania and her services to anyone who seems to need them. Tania is comfortable with what ever developed during the session and that confidence was conveyed to me, kept me relaxed.”

~ Rick Harmon, ASAP Animal Shelter Volunteer Team Leader

Abundance of Love and Respect

“Tania has a gentle, loving nature. I got confirmation on a few things and felt very relaxed after. People who work with Tania will receive an abundance of love and respect.”

~ Erika Winston, ATSI Practitioner and Resistance Stretching Trainer,


Sense of Wonder

“I liked Tania’s calm and warm energy. I left the session feeling a sense of wonder and thoughtfulness, feeling inspired.” 

~ Kimberly Spiewak, Teacher

Calm and Serene

“I felt calm and serene after the session. What I like best about working with Tania is that she is insightful, sensitive and caring.”

~ JN, Lawyer & Real Estate Developer

Relaxed and Empowered

“I liked the mix of modalities, especially the Reiki and channeling during the restorative yoga poses. I felt relaxed and empowered following the session. As a result of the session, I felt supported in my courage to complete an article that I was feeling a bit afraid about. Thank you!”

~ Nick Duggan, HR

Amazing Experience

“I like Tania’s sincerity and insight. Soul Rejuvenation was an amazing experience with so many positives that came from it. I received an affirmation of who I am and clarity of my focus for the future. Afterwards, I felt glowing, peaceful and excited to share it with my husband.”

~ Dottie Nelson, Administrator 

Deepened My Connection

“Tania is intuitively gifted. She cares deeply about our sense of ease mentally and physically by adapting for all levels of comfort. Tania cultivates a caring community that she welcomes each into with her Lighthearted Joy. During the session, I received a confirmation of my heartfelt beliefs which deepened my connection to my body and spirit. After, I felt a calm and gently introspective. I left feeling wonderful, centered and hopeful of releasing my Self Judgement. She gently reminds us of our worth. I am enough!”

~ Lynda Spiewak, RN & Certified Personal Fitness Trainer

Cosmic Chills

“I experienced a deep sense of safety and relaxation from the Accessible Soul Rejuvenation Workshop. I felt what I call cosmic chills, which for me, means there were non-seen levels of energy at work that left me feeling soothed, relaxed and renewed. I left feeling as though everything was really alright with my current issues. Tania has an earnest desire to help heal her fellow humans. She has a profound awareness that offers clarity, kindness, compassion and a professionalism because she does not let her ego get in the way.”

~ Sara Fargo, Advance Reiki Practitioner and Yoga Instructor

Peaceful, Grateful..

“At first, I thought 3 hours on a Saturday afternoon was too long. During the session, I didn’t even think about the time and was very content with how it turned out! Tania is very attentive to everyone’s presence and she has a natural intuition on reading everyone’s energy. I received personal guidance and reminders on what specifically works for me to achieve balance and harmony. After the session I felt peaceful, grateful, joy, humbled, sleepy and even hungry! I recommend this workshop to anyone seeking inner balance and harmony.”

~ Mary M., Civil Engineer

Gentleness and Genuine

“I liked Tania’s gentleness and that she is genuine. I felt a calmness following the Soul Rejuvenation workshop for a period of time”

~ Irma Singer, Accounting and Payroll Manger

Continued Guidance

I felt good about myself both physically and emotionally. Her words have stayed with me and have continued to guide me.”

~ Colleen Russell, Retired Teacher

Relief and Happiness

"Tania has a brilliant and calming energy that she embodies and it carried to me in the workshop and following. Such relief and happiness felt all over."

- Heather Jaffe, Sales Engineer


I Felt So Seen and Held

“I had an incredible Womb Healing experience. With Tania’s kind, compassionate, and deeply intuitive approach, I felt so seen and held the entire time (and after!) and truly appreciated the energy and space she holds for others.”

~ Jenny Davis, Reiki Healer & Moon Priestess,

Potential for Deep Healing

“My Womb Healing session with Tania created an expansive experience which continued to unfold for weeks. The experience sparked welcomed changes in my perceptions and energy. I felt extremely relaxed, quiet and peaceful, yet alert. Tania brings depth and commitment to her work. Her professionalism, and the process she presents, fosters trust and a safe space for transformation. Because of these qualities, and the deep well of knowledge she brings to her work, the potential for deep healing is made readily accessible.”

~  Luisa Bird-Robinson, Certified Yoga Instructor & Meditation Guide

Felt Supported, Respected and Connected with New Parts of Myself

“The environment was very calm and inviting and I loved the sound healing! During the session, I felt supported, respected and connected with new parts of myself. I left with a deeper curiosity of my own healing powers and a desire to continue following my spiritual path. This session is for women seeking to deepen their connection to Self and spirit. In working with Tania, be open to understanding your higher power, deepening your connection to spirit and know that you can learn and practice new ways of nurturing “neglected” parts of yourself. “

~ Brianna Pettit, Orientation and Mobility Specialist,

Empowered, Grounded and Self-Contained

"Tania is extremely gifted, caring and her ability to hold space is unparalleled to anyone I’ve worked with before. I appreciated her openness to questions during the session and her capacity to listen. I left feeling empowered, grounded and self-contained. I established a reconnection to my ancient ancestry with a deeper and greater sense of self-knowledge."

~ Kat Connors-Longo, Yoga Therapist,


Always Feel More at Peace, Calm, Happy and Joyful

“Tania teaches something new in every session. My strength and lung capacity have increased and I always feel more at peace, calm, happy and joyful after our chair yoga practice. She makes me smile and makes me want to be a better, more compassionate person. I would recommend her to anyone.”

~ Julia Reeds, Resident at Gardens on Hope, Santa Barbara, CA

Open and Comfortable Experience for Everyone

“Tania came to our office and shared a chair yoga class with us to accommodate our staff’s various physical needs. I really loved her energy and presence: very pleasant, calm and relaxed. She was flexible with our needs and what each of us was able to do. Tania was very communicative with us and created an open and comfortable experience for everyone! She showed us methods of stretching our bodies that I have been able to use at my desk and continue to do. After working with Tania I felt an overall adjustment in my mind; after the one hour with her I was less stressed and able to focus on myself and connect with my feelings and experiences.”  

~ Antoinette Haggard, People & Culture Associate,

Kind and Supportive

“I practice yoga to get the most out of my mind and body. Tania is kind and supportive of my personal practice. She cared about the class and what we got out of the practice. Her opening observations on spirituality were helpful sources for meditation and she is very informative in her guidance.”

~ Bob H., Engineer

Tailors Each Session

“Tania’s gentle, caring nature shows through in each of my yoga classes. She is sensitive to how our group is feeling and has worked very hard to tailor each session to our needs. The pace is perfect for me and I feel improvement every week.”

~ Kathy McGuire, Retired Community College Counselor and Articulation Officer

Emotional Release and Healing

“I receive emotional release and healing, physical flexibility, and a sense of inner peace that I have not found outside of yoga. After sessions, I feel tired (in a good way), and lighter emotionally. It is a great thing to have something that offers a respite from the daily grind and your sessions do that. There is a sense of general wellness that I get from your classes.”

~ Donna Holder, Spiritualist

For any questions or concerns you may have about any of my offerings, please connect with me.

(818) 415-0652

Om Shanti,


Photo by Tania Isaac-Dutton