The Glaring Truth: Fear & Bravery in Shadow Work

The pain and pleasure of life is what can expand us beyond, to grow and evolve. Of course, no one wants to experience pain on any level, but it is a dynamic we have signed up for in this life. No matter the course of one’s life, we are always going to need to heal. Healing is always - now. Throughout our lives we will need to heal both from the past and in the present. But, healing is revealing and requires courage to stare into one’s Self. Soul work can reveal deep seated fears that are difficult to face.

Almost like a skeleton unearthing itself from a deep grave, challenges and fears come to the surface to expose the healing that is needed. If brave enough, we’ll face them head on and take on the change that is part of the toiling process. To face our fears we must learn to trust ourselves. Self trust can be frightening to embrace because there is nothing concrete about it: it’s unseen, intuitive, felt and you have no idea what your choice(s) will produce. 

Weathering through any dark night of the soul, no matter how shallow the shadow, or deep the cavern, requires looking inward and inquiring as to “what is the life lesson here, what purpose does it serve, what do you want, what do you need?” Asking yourself questions can create an inner dialogue to help guide you. It’s really you asking of your Higher Self and allowing yourself to listen. Asking questions creates an internal capacity for a new perspective - new possibilities of doing and being that are outside of the norm of our conditioned selves. This is not headspace, it is heart-space. 

When you begin to ask yourself questions and allow yourself to listen, you begin to cultivate Self Trust. Rather than enabling ourselves to drift into self-discredit, we empower ourselves to draft new possibilities. Let’s call a spade a spade; when we are faced with the unknown, we face fear. We fear what we don’t know and the further away something seems (the larger the gap between your “here” and “then”) can increase your apprehension. 

A truth: tomorrow is no different from next week, month or year because we truly do not know what each next day will bring. 

In order to move through any upswell, you must trust your intuition and can draw upon your life experience. It is all beautifully interwoven and can help you navigate through the highwaters. 

To begin trusting yourself,

the only way is to go in and practice it. 

Here are a few tips to help you center and become more self-attuned:

Always be Curious: Curious creates an inner capacity to inquire, to learn and to grow. Rather than being defensive and coming at life with criticism as we tend to do to protect ourselves, stay curious. You are your compass so ask questions of yourself. If you have positive role models, ask them about their experience, their process, their journey. 

Properly Hydrate: Any self-process involves energy and as our energy greatly affects our electrolytes, it is important to stay hydrated to maintain our energetic equilibrium. 

Ground Yourself: Connect with the Earth through activities like walking barefoot on grass, spending time in nature, or practicing a grounding meditation. Grounding your energy through mindfulness can also help you process strong emotions that may make you feel disconnected. Grounding can include conscious practices such as a body scan, meditation, and somatic touch can help you reconnect your body, mind and spirit. 

It is essential for all lightworkers to feel their earthly connection. Depending on the time of year and your location, standing barefoot on grass may not be possible. If so, try this mindful exercise: 

Firmly plant and feel your feet on the floor and the weight of your legs, especially your thighs. If needed, bend and straighten your legs a few times to deepen your connection. Next draw your awareness up into your abdomen; feel the breath in your belly. Then draw your awareness back down to and through your feet to feel the solidity of the earth beneath you. 

Tune In & Listen: After you have hydrated and grounded, draw your awareness inward. Ask your question(s) and then invite your mind to get quiet and listen. Sometimes the response can feel like a small voice from within or it will have a strong resonance. Generally, the responses that make the least sense are your truth. That may seem radical, out of place, far fetched. When this happens, this reveals how much you bury the deepest, truest parts of yourself. 

Connect to Sources that Serve You: Most journeys rarely run completely solo. Explore connecting to sources that serve you, be it nature, spirit, mentors, soul family or healing practices. 

The glaring truth of trusting yourself is that by acknowledging your fear enables your intuition, wisdom, and self-awareness to become powerful guides that can lead you into making more authentic choices and living a more fulfilling life. The more you lean in and trust yourself, the greater your awareness and innate abilities will become. Challenges and fears are aspects of life we must all face and we are reminded that we are capable of doing so, anything is possible.

Tania Isaac is an experienced Spiritual Guidance Channeler, Pet Communicator, Integrative Energy Healer and certified yoga instructor who specializes in blending healing modalities to create unique healing sessions. She is located in Santa Barbara, CA where she lives with her husband and their rescued dog Oreo. Her mission is to empower empaths and help individuals connect with their innate metaphysical and healing abilities. Visit her website to learn more about her offerings: