Guarding Your Inner Light: Shielding Against Energy Vampires

Many empathic people shield themselves in the safety of the shadows. It can be easier to withhold our inner light so as to avoid energetic predators, because they can flock like a moth to a flame. One of the many truths of being an empath is the vulnerability one can experience in the presence of energy vampires. 

It can feel like a paradox; the interaction appears harmless and yet… After the conversation comes to an end, you realize something has happened, but it can be difficult to understand what.

It took me time to identify and fully comprehend the pattern and process, and most of, to allow myself to acknowledge it was real.

Energy vampires are very clever. They stealthily swoop into your energy field with their witty charm and tend to disarm you with flattery. Skilled at manipulating conversations, they hook you in with an innocuous question, where despite whatever your reply is, they divert the conversation with their ready-made reply. That is when the energy-sucking begins. It can feel like a haunting that will return again and again for they will drain you dry as long as you let them.

Eventually you dread being around these individuals and began to wonder…

“Is it me?

They seem nice enough.. 

Is it them? 

Is it unkind for me to think this way?” 

However, it is this very way of thinking that can keep us trapped in the cycle of enabling them. 

Empaths are over-conditioned to be considerate of others and sadly, this can be detrimental to to our sense of well being. By continually putting others first, an empath can deplete themselves. Setting boundaries is a challenge for many empaths because in doing so upsets the the energer drainers and other individuals who have been taking advantage of an empath’s generosity. However, it is necessary and essential for an empathic individual to do so, or they will never fully evolve their full potential. 

How do you energetically say “no!” without being rude? The truth: sometimes you have to be rude to make the message stick. Otherwise, energy vampires may see indirectness as a sign of weakness or permission. All empaths have to establish clear boundaries that come from their personal core beliefs. You must advocate for yourself. It takes courage to face the fear of disappointing others, but as generous as your heart is, believe me the strength is there.

One of the hardest things to overcome for empaths is recognizing and acknowledging when a boundary has been crossed. Empathic people can idle in confusion and questioning themself, because when something doesn't feel or sound right, it is not always easy identify what. It may not be physically obvious such as an aggressive or indecent gesture, but it’s enough that you feel something is wrong. I will say that again: it is enough that you feel something is wrong. It could be the tone, a passive aggressive comment, facial expression, their body language and or even their energy. 


Depending on one’s intuitive ability, an empath can experience one person in multiple ways: energetically, emotionally, physically, mentally and psychically. In addition, they may also receive information psychically. These various layers make it necessary to process an exchange, especially a negative one.

For me, I receive one individual in four different ways. I pick up their physical energy, frequency, tone of voice, and emotions. In other words, one person is like four different people and I receive messages and information intuitively. It is a lot to take in and digest. Many empaths receive and experience people on multiple levels, which can make the experience of being in a group of people exhausting. It is like navigating a forest while continuously trying not to loose your footing as the path weaves and the terrain morphs.


Apart from having a direct confrontation or walking away, there are things an empath can do to protect themselves energetically. For anyone who is an empath, I highly recommend you cultivate a dedicated practice, such as meditating and strengthening your physically body to support your energy body. The stamina and strength of one’s individual energy can be enhanced and increased over time through daily and diligent self care practice. However, there are a few techniques that can be practiced almost anywhere, anytime.

The Zip-Up: Imagine you are wearing an invisible zip up sweatshirt. Take hold of the imaginary tab and slowly pull it from your pelvic bone up to your upper lip.

Why It Works: The Conception Vessel is one of the main meridians that regulates the accumulation and flow of blood and chi of twelve meridians and contains the yin energy. It begins at the base of the pelvis and travels up the front of the body to the lower lip. Yin energy is receptive, fluid, open. 

Visualize A Super Shield: Imagine an energetic shield of light surrounding you. Have it be a color that resonates as safe and protective to you. When you vizualize it, see it completely encapsulating you from head to toe. The more you meditate and work with this visualization, the stronger your energy shield will become.

Why It Works: Visualization can help you focus your thoughts to generate an image in your mind that will result in directing your energy. Energy follows intention and can be directed, shaped and shifted.

Practice Affirmations: Positive statements that support your sense of safety and that are worded in the present are key. Be open-mind to what sounds and feels right to you: as long as it has meaning to you, it holds power for you. Following are three examples:

“Light flows through me and protects me.”

“I am surrounded by the light.”

“Positive vibrations surround me.

Why It Works: You affirm and create your life experiences with every word and thought. Affirmations can reduce negative thought and the ability to dwell on negative experiences in the present, thus enabling your mindset and energy to shift.


Be honest in recognizing who has the potential to drain you so that you can prepare yourself. Knowing how they can make you feel will help protect yourself. Do not avoid the heavy emotions because they can hold the deepest information. One of the hard truths to accept is that energy vampires can reveal the deep healing still needed for ourself. When you recognize that, love yourself - hard. There is always mending to still be cultured.


Only you can determine what your boundaries are and honor them. While setting boundaries for empaths is challenging, it is one of the most invaluable acts you’ll ever do for you. 

The more time you take to care for yourself physically and energetically, the stronger you will become. 

Be kind to yourself: you’re a spiritual being experiencing a human existence and learning as you go. 

I hope you step out of the shadows and shine so brightly that your radiance zaps the “drainers”. Be bold. So bold that leaches can’t consume any part of your spectrum.

You be You.

Tania Isaac is an experienced Channeler, Pet Communicator, Energy Healer and certified yoga instructor who specializes in blending healing modalities to create unique specialized healing sessions. She is located in Santa Barbara, CA where she lives with her husband and rescued dog Oreo. Her mission is to empower empaths and help individuals connect with their innate metaphysical and healing abilities. Visit her website to learn more about her offerings: