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Soothe The Soul | $35 | 4-week series

Soothe The Soul

Experience a mini-self retreat in this August 4-week series. Soothe the Soul is intended to soothe and comfort your body, mind and soul. Through the practice of affirmations, restorative yoga and meditative listening, we’ll encourage your entire sense of Being to relax, restore and rejuvenate. This is a tender time in our world, a one of many transitions. We each deserve a time and space to decompress through self-care and self love: recalibrate through compassion.

How This Will Go

Each Monday, I will email you an affirmation, a song and a link for the weekly Restorative Yoga class (Wednesday 12:00-1:00pm Pacific Time).

Restorative Yoga | Wednesday 12:00-1:00pm Pacific Time | August 5, 12, 19 & 26 - The Body

Indulge in a one hour restorative yoga class each Wednesday in August. Restorative yoga is a gentle, floor practice that integrates stretching and supportive props to enable the body and all its High-Gear systems to rest and relax. This therapeutic practice can reduce stress and anxiety to create a sense of inner peace and balance.

Weekly Affirmation - The Mind

Post it to your wall, desktop, refrigerator, or mirror. The idea is to recite or write the affirmation five times a day, each day of the week or however much you feel called to. Thoughts become beliefs and beliefs become truth. You can alter your world by the way you choose to see, hear and think about it.

Weekly Song - The Soul

Your weekly email will provide a new song through a shared Spotify playlist. Allow yourself to simply listen to and enjoy the music. Each song has been mindfully chosen as a part of a special playlist intended to bolster your spirits. Whether you tune-in while walking, gardening, showering, cooking or simply sitting - allow yourself to absorb the lyrics and melodies. Listening to music is beneficial on so many levels! You do not need to have a Premium Spotify account in order to access the music; just the basic one.

Missed the first two weeks? There are 2 weeks left.

Soothe the Soul | $10 per 1-week *You will have until 5pm the previous day to register. All weekly participants will receive the Restorative Yoga Zoom link to participate Tuesday evening @ 5:30pm*

PayPal ( Or Venmo (@TaniaShanti-Isaac) or with credit card with the below button.

If you need to pay by check, please contact Tania directly:

Needed Props for Restorative Yoga:

  • 1 Bolster (1 or 2 pillows/two blankets)

  • 3 Blankets

  • 2 blocks (Or a blanket, pillow or foam pad. A blanket can be folded or rolled up to approximate the size of a yoga block. Pillows or foam pads can be stacked or used alone.)


This four week series is not intended to replace any medical treatment. If you are unsure if this program is appropriate for you, please consult with your medical physician first. Restorative Yoga is a floor practice; each practitioner must take care that they can safely make their way to the ground and back up.

Waiver of Liability

Your participation and payment hereby waives and releases Tania Isaac from any and all liability which may occur during your participation in the yoga classes instructed by Tania, whether such liability arises during your participation in this program or by virtue of and resulting there from. Your participation and payment is acknowledgement that you fully realize the risks involved in this activity. You assume all those possible risks of harm or injury and knowingly waive and relinquish Tania from any and all liability, whether personal injury or property damage, and whether grounded in tort, contract, or other legal theory. 

I am available by email or phone for any questions or concerns you may have about Soothe The Soul or any of my services.

(818) 415-0652


Om Shanti,
